Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday 3.19.20

What To Do
Links/Resources/Where To Find It
Warm Up
·         You only need to play once
·         Click the link above.
Video 1 - How Does COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Hijack Cells?

Keep an eye out for those cell organelles and methods of cell transport that you are familiar with (endocytosis and exocytosis).
Video 2 – How does COVID-19 Affect the Body?

** This is a great video if you are interested in more information.  If you are sensitive to the discussion of Coronavirus, then don’t feel like you have to watch the video link above. Again, It’s really informative about how the virus affects the respiratory system.

What are you and your family doing to stay safe and preventing infection of Coronavirus?

** Just for fun

If you do all activities above, you do not have to complete the packet pages 8-9.
You choose 1:
B.      The activities above (Quizziz, Videos, FlipGrid)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is flip grid required?

  3. I hv the same question
    If it is required or not
