Thursday, May 17, 2018

Lesson 3: Introduction to Plants 

  1. Watch the BBC Video on Plants.  As you watch this video answer the questions on Worksheet.   

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Protist and Fungi

Unit 2 Lesson 2: Protist and Fungi

  • Watch YouTube Video: Take notes #53 Protist and Fungi
  • Answer question on pages 92-104
  • Lesson Review page 105...check for accuracy
  • Take the quiz

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Archaea, Bacteria, and Viruses

Unit 2 Lesson 1: Archaea, Bacteria, and Viruses

  • YouTube Video: Take notes #52 Archaea, Bacteria, and Viruses
  • Answer questions on pages 78-90.
  • Do Lesson Review page 91....check for accuracy
  • Take the quiz

Friday, May 4, 2018


Things to DO:
Video on Cladogram
Science Fusion Book
Cladogram: Read page 62 
Do page 67 and hand-in for grade
Activity using Cladogram
Worksheet: Learning Target 4.6

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Binomial Nomenclature & Dichotomous Keys

Binomial Nomenclature & Dichotomous Keys

  1. Watch the YOUTUBE video
  2. Dichotomous Key to the Animal Kingdom:
    • Use the dichotomous key to name each of the animals in this crazy, mixed up animal kingdom.  Follow these directions to learn how to use a dichotomous key
      • Carefully observe the characteristics of the first "animal".  
      • Read the two choices in step #1 of the dichotomous key.
      • You must choose the correct choice for the animal you are trying to classify.
      • Once you have made your choice, follow the directions to move to the next appropriate line of the key.
      • Continue to make the correct choices for each animal until you have determined the name of the animal. 
  3. NOW, it is your turn to make your own Dichotomous Key.  

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Dichotomoous Key

Things to DO:
Science Fusion Book: Read pages 64-65
Answer questions: #22 and #23
Silly Science
Dichotomous Key Activity
Question Out the Door……
1.    Why do we classify living thing?
2.   What are the two parts of a scientific name?